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About US

We are passionate about the power of pasture-raised meats to heal our bodies because we have seen it happen first hand. Over ten years ago, Jennifer was in crisis with a myriad of medical issues. IBS, leaky gut, anxiety, and severe adrenal fatigue made daily life a struggle. When doctors and conventional medicine failed to provide a solution, Jennifer turned to a more holistic approach, including following the recommendations of GAPS, WAPF, and paleo diets. This meant cutting out all processed junk and relying on nutrient dense foods to support her body in healing itself. And heal she did! Jennifer believes whole-heartedly that bacon saved her life. Bacon and sausage and liver and lard- all from pasture-raised pigs of course!

Grass Fat Farm is a family endeavor. Clay and Jennifer Leitch and their two-month-old daughter moved from Maryland to Tennessee in 2014, determined to raise the best food possible. They have since been joined by Jennifer’s father, The Grampie, and have added four more children to the family. Everyone plays a vital role in fulfilling their mission to grow food that is good for the land and for our bellies.

It is our honor to raise nourishing food for our family and for yours.