Cutting Up A Whole Chicken

Almost every week I cut up two whole chickens for my family. This allows me to prep several dishes at once and add more variety to our menu.

Most often I throw wings, thighs, and drumsticks into a marinade to be grilled or baked later. The breast meat usually gets cut into chunks for something deliciously saucy like Butter Chicken. The carcass goes in my electric pressure cooker (If you do not yet own an Instant Pot, I highly suggest you invest in one today.). I pick the meat off the cooked carcass to use for soup or chicken salad. And then the bones get put back in the pressure cooker with some aromatics and a gallon of water to make a nutrient dense bone-broth.

I know that cutting up a whole chicken can feel a bit intimidating. But I promise, with a sharp knife and a little courage, you can do it! And if you do it every week, you’ll be a pro in no time.

I have to admit, it took a bit of courage for me to get on camera and show you how I do my cut-ups. But I did it! And it is my hope that you watch this video and feel empowered to get brave in your own kitchen!